La pandémie invisible de Johan Giesecke

Danik Legault Naturopathe La Pandémie Invisible De Johan Giesecke

C’est un éditorial (pour vos réflexions sur le sujet) publié le 5 mai dans The Lancet. Ce n’est pas un long texte et rien de compliqué. Voir ici:…/PIIS0140-6736(20…/fulltext

Qui est Giesecke?
Johan Giesecke (born 9 September 1949) is a Swedish physician and Professor Emeritus at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.[1]
Giesecke was born in Stockholm. In 1979, he defended his thesis, On The Molecular Structure Of Dopaminer-gic Substances, at the Karolinska Institute.[2] He trained as an infectious disease clinician and worked with AIDS patients during the 1980’s. Giesecke received an MSc in epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1992, after which he worked as a Senior Lecturer at the school.
From 1995 to 2005, Giesecke served as state epidemiologist of Sweden. During a one-year sabbatical 1999-2000 he led a group at the World Health Organization working on the revision of the International Health Regula-tions. After this, he was Chief Scientist at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control from 2005 to 2014. As of 2020, Giesecke is a member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards of the World Health Organization,[3] and also works as an advisor to the Public Health Agency of Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden.[4]

Giesecke a déjà été impliqué avec l’OMS alors c’est à souhaiter qu’ils le consultent lorsqu’il sera le temps de faire les bilans et de revoir ce qui pourrait être amélioré.


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